Saturday, March 5, 2016


Elon Musk is pro mars. Wish we could go. Sadly, radiation levels are too high for us. Yeah, we will not be going any time soon. Maybe if we had more technology we may go. Ah yes, the clarion call of science. Elon Musk is a visionary genius.

Friday, March 4, 2016


$4.57 is the average ATM fee now.  That is to access your money. Hey, this really sux! A lot of banks charge over five dollars to get your green. Yo, this has gotta go. I mean this is the average. Reminds me of a joke - in communist russia people rob bank, in america - bank rob you!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

brand image

Work on your brand image. That will help you. It is important in connecting with consumers. Basically, the brand is you. What can this item offer to those who are the users. Usually, it is a product or a service. OK so let's get going.