Thursday, December 31, 2015

new years eve

Oh wow, new years eve is upon us. Certainly, this is a wonderful time of the year. Basically, we need to feel more. Ah yes, the air is so crisp. What else can we say.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Did you get invited to a part this time of year. Well, there are so many parties and so little time as we say. Still, some are max. Did we even mention super amazing. Others are well, not so massive.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


NASA talks about going to mars. Frankly, do not belive we will be going any time soon. Radiation is a major issue.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

drones are the future

Human carry drones are the future for us. Do not stare at the ceiling and wonder why this is so. It might feel just a bit eerie. However, the times of tomorrow are not for the dumber than dog dirt debunkers who love to censor. Instead, they are for our visionary geniuses. Frankly, ideas are new currency.

Jimbaran Beach

Saturday, December 19, 2015

gray zone

People might even claim that there is no black or white, but instead a gray zone. Not sure if this is an issue. Yeah, we are no so sure. Frankly, there is black and white and we need to pick what side we are on.

Crossing the street

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

swiss guards

Best that we not laugh out load, but these swiss guards look a bit like they belong in a circus. Hope they never have to defend me. That might make me a bit um uneasy.

Pontifical Swiss Guard, Vatican City State, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

200 years ago

Just what did people eat 200 years ago. Most people lived on farms in past eons. Food was quite scarce. Stil, the diet did include some game. Laws were not the same as now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Feels like we are in a raging river. Yeah, up the creek without a paddle takes on new meaning. Sadly, we do not know which way to go any more.

Man overboard!

Monday, December 7, 2015


Life is started in a mysterious way. Hidden is the hard that controls us. Search for the truth and find it. What is going on.

Thyssen Krupp

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Do we want a future that is great for us. Like we are in a dead end now. Still, we might be able to turn things around and start on a path to improve. What we need to do is work together as a group. All fake divisions need to go away.
