Saturday, June 15, 2024

bird flu

 Bird flu hit a chicken farm in iowa. That means less eggs. Also, we can expect to see higher prices soon. Well, we need to focus on what is going on. Yeah, we know that things are slowly getting even worse.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 There was a list of the worst cars ever. Well, we did not see a yugo. On the plus side, the Edsel did make the list - wow. Hey, that was one super ugly car. Still, here we are now. I also, did not see a geo metro which should be on that car list, but was not for some reason. Hey, you cannot please every one.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Tennessee governor will allow teachers to carry guns now. Folks, this world is super scary and then some more. I am not making this one up. Do hope that in the future we have less major worries. Oh yes, that would be super max.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 OK, so the USA flag is now see by liberals as racism. Please do wake me up. I do not like the fright mare that I am living in. Yeah, it would be great to find out it was all a bad dream, but that is not our case.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bird flu

Bird flu is all across our scene. It could make food prices increase even more. OK, so food shortages could indeed become so common. Well, we do hope that we are wrong once more. Farmers have been forced to kill millions of hens that lay eggs. Definitely, the future price of eggs is way up. Maybe, I should raise some.

moving in day

Friday, May 17, 2024

Hybrid workers

 Hybrid workers are just as productive as regular ones. That is what a brand new study says and we can agree. Driving to the office downtown is a worrisome pain. Frankly, we do not see any major gain. Bosses like to sit in the big chair, but we really do not care.

Rochester New York - Hiram Sibley Building - 1925 - Upper East End

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 I am single for many various reason. Having little ones... does bring us joy. Still, there is a problem with my lack of money.