Thursday, October 31, 2013

Electronics you say

Remember the good old days of amazon. They use to sell paper back books ages ago. Digital e-books are taking over. Bro, those days are gone. Well, those days are so over. Most of what amazon sells now is gadgets or gizmos. Electronics you say. Yeah, that is their new game. However, stores like radio shack are near BANKruptcy now. OK so can the small electronics stores survive one more year. I am not sure sir.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Politicians have lost their moral compass. Well, we wonder if they ever had one. All they want is more power. Like why do we fight tyranny any way. Jobs are few, and bills are many. They do not even care. Citizens, this is bad for us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Civilizations often collapse quickly, as underemployment is growing in america. What we have now is very poor economics. This is a major concern. Expect governments to claim that all is fine and we are crazy. However, we see little benefit in lying to you. Friends, things are now getting worse.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Worst buy

Worst buy is a digital camera. It will be obsolete next year. Yeah, then you need to buy another one. Sadly, megapixels count keeps on going up. Also, so does the price. Look at all those new cameras. Do you wanna get one.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

prices go up

Predictions are many. What do people want any way. Here is what we see. It is prices go up. Also, we see incomes sag. Like there are lots of potential workers looking for jobs, but not too many this xmas season.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Social media helps connect groups. People talk about what is going on. They have ways to help each other even in other regions. World is changing on us. Hey, that is what we are seeing.

Friday, October 25, 2013


2525 is the year.  Funny how the world they saw is coming. Designer babies is not that far away. Troublesome times we guess. However, we could be wrong. Oh yes, time will tell us. Perhaps we see a world of 2525 coming soon.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


TV CameraTV is awesome. World is in reach for us. People can travel to other universes. Hollywood creates some many movies. Like the camera never blinks they say. Wonder why that is.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Top hiring

Top hiring employers in metro areas. Fast food is max. Expect McD and dollar store to be big again. There is some hiring for the xmas season. Yeah, that would be sears. Well, I have not been there in years.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Celebrities who never can marry. What is the secret of success. Maybe they have a corner. Yeah, hard to blame em. Hey, there are so many reason. Perhaps we should avoid marriage.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Jobs require more an experience. There is an importance in accuracy. Maintain a network of contacts with those around you. People need to know those in their area.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

remote viewer warnings

Yo, like here are some remote viewer warning. People, a major crisis is coming.Maybe we need to see what is going on. Word on the street is that black clouds are coming. Citizens, what we see is a hard rain. Namely, we tell you to keep away from coastal areas. Hey, we did say - stay away.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

mystery girl

Police find mystery girl with gypsies. She was part of a caravan. Authorities believe that the mystery girl is northern european. Mostly, she looks russian. Wonder what her story is.

Friday, October 18, 2013

four blood moons

Four blood moons can occur soon. This is no coincidence mon. Expect a major war. People need to wake up. Maybe we will not all sleep because the end is near. Hey, the four blood moon are coming.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

UFO series

Look at the UFO series. It is from the 70's even. Yeah, we like the cheesy old music. Funny how styles change so often, but there we are. TV shows were a lot different back then or so it seems.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

phenolic rubbing plate

Steven Gibbs uses a phenolic rubbing plate in an HDR unit. This is over a caduceus coil inside the device that he created for us. Wonder what the phenolic rubbing plate is for any way. Basically, the caduceus coil generates scalar waves. These are suppose to have mysterious properties. Plan to write more about it later.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Clark Bent

Clark Bent is no super man. He is a super zero. Ask his best friend jimmy. Hey, you can even ask louse pain. She can be so annoying. Perry White needs to find another news paper man. Metropolis needs real stories and not Clark Bent and his mild manners.

Monday, October 14, 2013

shut down gets worse

Just now, we get some news. Oh yes, the shut down gets worse. Like we were hoping for a break through, but there is none. Both sides want to play games. The rich man plays and the poor man pays. Where are the politicians now. OK so try your local golf courses. Citizens, they do not even care.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


People focus on success. However, there are thousands of boys singing songs in a garage. They dream of creating the next music group. Most will never gain success. Look at your local high school gym. Well, very few will ever go pro. Building up false hopes is no service. OK so even if you go pro. Sadly, you will often get a severe injury. That will end your career.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

analog age

LibraryRight now we are in the digital era. Friends, we remember the old analog age. It was quite different than now. People could not get as much access. Things were a lot slower and we did move on an easy pace. Well, we are going light speed now.

Friday, October 11, 2013

mega size

Associação Comercial de MaceióBest thing about coming years... Well, the houses are mega size. Like a modern age mansion. People get use to living in big room. Yeah, what we have now seems as if it is a broom closet in size. Get ready for living large in more ways an one.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

miss piggy

Boxes are open. Oh yes, miss piggy joins kermit in museum. Jim Henson was able to bring a laugh to us. Gotta love miss piggy. Funny how life goes on.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Batteries drain so fast now. Like my cell phone beeps me. Yeah, that it is out of power. This should surprise no one. Still, we wish the batteries would last longer for us. Instead they seem to be getting max worse.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

computer camera

Turn off your computer camera. It could be spying on you. Hey, it sounds like some massive paranoia. Perhaps, hackers are using your computer camera. Like this gives em a view. Basically, they look at what you have in your space. Folks, this is so scary. Maybe they are secretly scanning us.

Monday, October 7, 2013

tear down

What do we see. It is a tear down yo. Little is left of our once awesome economy. Instead, we now got no money. Also, there is no ability to pay. Yeah, life goes on. Perhaps that is our case. Still, it is not for the many... Basically, it is so only for some.

Out With the Old

Sunday, October 6, 2013

micro manager

Become a micro manager. Steve Jobs was one. He did super. People must be under the magnifying glass in our gaze. Other wise the work does not get done, or it is so poor.

right on

Slang is going away. OK so right on. That was a pun. Fitting that this is straight up. Good quality will last the test of time, unlike a $99 head shot which will fade away. It is an art to stay current now. Bring quality to your portfolio and do not limit this scene.

Washington DC - Reflecting Pool and Mall

Saturday, October 5, 2013

canon is awesome

Dare we say it - canon is awesome. Perople have fallen in love with this camera. It is so max. Certainly, we can always find fault and need to improve areas. However, I really do like what is has to offer us. Best of the best is canon.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Twitter numbers are up

Twitter numbers are up. Gotta think small messages. However, the amount of traffic is enormous. Best times are ahead for this growing company. Hope that people can see what is now soon in coming. Like um Twitter is mega amazing.

Miami Beach

Thursday, October 3, 2013

cringe causing cars

1995 Geo Metro #2
Glad I did not buy one. Here are some cringe causing cars. Please add the dodge neon. Yeah, put the geo metro up. Like that one is scary. It is however, good on gas.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

college degree

Getting a college degree cost you money. Well, you might not get it back any time soon. Jobs are few and bills are many. Blame out sourcing. Yeah, it is sending jobs over seas.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013